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A Bingo Card for Bingo Hosts


I host a lot of BINGO events, and they're always a blast, because I mix numbers, music, and movies to create a fun environment, and people usually get a kick out of it. However, I do find myself running into the same scenarios over and over again, so I wanted to share those with you on this very special Bingo card for Bingo hosts.

If I was playing this game, I'd win every time!

Check out my list of Locations to see where you can play Bingo with me next in Southern California!


10,000 + Shows for the cast of Family Guy, the cast of Ted Lasso, Harrison Ford & more |

With Budds Productions LLC

© 2024 Ryan Budds.
Contact:  424-265-1212 or

Secret Footer Bonus Question:  
What was the original title of Scream?
Answer:  Scary Movie. Didja know?!   

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