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Unboxing 1000 Pop Culture Art Prints!


I'm always looking for amazing trivia prizes to give second and third place teams at my trivia nights. 1st place usually is something that goes with the venue, like a gift card or bar tab, etc, so I make sure that runners up get some great pop culture swag.

One of my favorite things to give away is 10x10 inch square prints from my pal Drew A Blank, an amazing artist from the SE USA. He makes great stuff like these!

Watch as my daughter and I unbox just half of what he sent me, and try and win some this year at my live trivia events!

If any certain print from the above video struck your fancy, email and I'll see about mailing it to you!


10,000 + Shows for the cast of Family Guy, the cast of Ted Lasso, Harrison Ford & more |

With Budds Productions LLC

© 2024 Ryan Budds.
Contact:  424-265-1212 or

Secret Footer Bonus Question:  
What was the original title of Scream?
Answer:  Scary Movie. Didja know?!   

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