Every once in a while at any given trivia night, I whip up some kind of game to engage the crowd, usually half-way through the night. I'll have them guess something like my age or middle name for bonus points, have everyone come up and do their best impression of someone, or see if anyone has any hidden talents.

Last week at our all-Disney themed trivia nights at all my locations, I brought three people up in front of the brewery crowd at Last Name Brewing in Upland, CA who claimed to have interesting skills. This girl Jordan could bend her arms behind her back and then look like she broke both of them in a twisty motion, it was crazy. Then this guy Jacob bent his middle finger all the way back to his wrist while everyone gasped and winced. Then, this dude Matt was like "uh, I'm a singer?" and grabbed the mic and belted out the first verse of "I Can Show You The World" from Aladdin. It was fantastic!
Everyone loved it and he clearly won the contest (and a free sandwich from The Big Easy Sandwich, easily the best NOLA style food around Upland) and towards the end of the night, I invited him back up to sing again. This time he sang "Go the Distance" from Hercules, again, really well.
Here's the video. Click the pic to check it out!
You never know who's got some killer talent at a trivia night!
Matt O'Connor is on FB here.